Møt Yora
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#yorautforskere føler
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insektbasert kosthold
Knowing that the global pet food industry would be the 6th biggest climate emitter if it was a country, I have been looking for more sustainable feed alternatives for Rammstein, that still gives him all the nutrients he needs, and which tastes good (he’s such a picky eater). Then I found Yora, with 40% insects and potatoes, oats & beetroots. It’s hypoallergenic and has the lovest carbon footprint on the pet food market. And even if he doesn’t know that he’s helping the planet, Rammstein Love It
«Essi har hatt en god del problemer med ørene blant annet og vi har mistenkt allergi. Etter å brukt dette fôret en stund er ørne helt perfekte, pelsindustrien skinner og hun elder det... Både god på smak og miljøvennlig - bedre blir det ikke! Dette kan absolutt anbefales💜>>
«vet du hvordan jeg har blitt så stor og kjekk? Det er ved å spise mat laget av insektlarver hver dag! Det er sant! Papi sier at det er verdens mest bærekraftige hundemat. Jeg er ikke sikker på hva det betyr, men så lenge det er deilig og fullt av hede proteiner, bryr jeg meg ikke! Jeg elsker det, og det er bra for planeten også! Du burde smake på det!»
Knowing that the global pet food industry would be the 6th biggest climate emitter if it was a country, I have been looking for more sustainable feed alternatives for Rammstein, that still gives him all the nutrients he needs, and which tastes good (he’s such a picky eater). Then I found Yora, with 40% insects and potatoes, oats & beetroots. It’s hypoallergenic and has the lovest carbon footprint on the pet food market. And even if he doesn’t know that he’s helping the planet, Rammstein Love It